If you're a first-time visitor at Stanton Wellness Solutions, you'll need to fill out some paperwork and give us some information about your background, medical history, and the nature of your condition so that we may provide the best possible care and customize it to your specific needs.
A bit of paperwork
We will need you to fill out a few forms that provide general information about you and your condition. You can print them from the page on this website titled Make An Appointment. Please follow the directions on that page. If you have any problems with the paperwork, please call our office and we will be glad to assist you.
Complimentary Consultation (15 minutes)
If you are a prospective new patient and would like to set up a complimentary (free) consultation with the doctor, you will need to fill out the "New Patient Paperwork" and call the office for an appointment. At the this consultation, you will meet Dr. Stanton and he will ask you a number of questions related to your condition and symptoms. He will listen to your concerns and answer any questions that you may have. Should you decide you are ready to move forward, you will need to set up a "New Patient Office Visit" so that you can be examined.
New Patient Office Visit (30-60 minutes)
During your New Patient Office Visit, you will meet with Dr. Stanton and he will review your medical history and will ask you a number of questions related to your
condition and symptoms. He will perform an examination, explain the findings, and let you know if he can help. He will explain the treatment options available to you, how they
will benefit you, and what his expectations and recommendations are for you. He will gladly answer any questions and discuss any concerns that you may
have. If he accepts your case and you are ready to move forward to the next level and want to get to the real cause(s) of your problems, he will start the treatment phase
Home instructions
Before leaving, you will be given a "new patient packet " with important information and instructions on certain activities or procedures to be conducted away from the
clinic. You will also be given some samples of products that we carry in our office.
Scheduling the next appointment
Regular treatment is essential to the process. We work our treatments around your schedule. Generally speaking, patients are seen within 1-2 weeks of their initial visit. This all depends on the history and condition of the patient. We recommend scheduling your appointments in advance to reserve your time with the doctor as we are a busy clinic.
Office Fees, Insurance, and Payment
You can find this information on the "New Patient Paperwork".